Understanding The Five Elements
For thousands of years the Chinese have known
To attain the deepest level of healing, you must understand the deepest level of who you are…
In that knowing awaits The 5 Elements
Summer – Summer is a time for fullness and flourishing joy and playfulness. Flowers are in full bloom and maturity. It’s a time of connection with others, relationships and partnerships.
Fire Creates Earth
Late Summer – It’s the time of harvest, of care taking, of nurturing and of home. Sympathy is associated with it and the gift of thoughtfulness.
Earth Bears Metal
Fall – Fall is the time for letting go of grief. It is also the time when we can receive inspiration in the space we have created by letting go.
Metal Collects Water
Winter– Winter is a time of deep resting and stillness. We are in the unknown. Fear is the emotion associated with it and wisdom is the virtue.
Water Nourishes Wood
Spring – A time of bursting forth, of new growth and creativity. Anger and frustration are associated with it as is benevolence and new beginnings.
Wood Feeds Fire
Next Steps…
Your body is begging you for relief…make a change now.